
Large Customers Forum

4 October 2023

Our Gas Networks 2050 Large Customer Forum was held 29 August 2023, and was the second time the group had met to discuss their needs when it comes to future gas usage.

Our large commercial and industrial businesses are classified as having 200+ employees. They are 3% of our customer base and consume approximately 66% percent of the gas in New South Wales that Jemena delivers so it’s important to hear from them about their future gas needs and preferences.

Large customers come from a range of industries including:

  • pharmaceuticals
  • paper mills
  • steel manufacturing
  • gas and chemical equipment supplies
  • petrochemical supplies
  • food and drink manufacturing
  • building products
  • dry cleaning
  • local councils.

26 representatives from 23 organisations attended the forum.

We asked our large customers to confirm that we had captured their feedback from the previous forum they attended in March, and to provide their initial thoughts and questions on specific response areas within the 2025-30 Access Arrangement.

We shared the views of our residential customers from Customer Forum Five and follows up with a Q&A session where large users shared their considered feedback verbally and via Menti.

We asked these customers for their level of interest on seven key areas:

  • Moving towards renewable gas
  • Accelerated capital recovery
  • Asset management
  • New connections
  • Supporting vulnerable customers
  • Digital metering
  • Permanent disconnections.

There was a level of interest in renewable gas certification as this aligns with their organisation's sustainability goals. They were also concerned about the increasing cost to the industry.

We rounded off the session with a reference to what is coming up including the Reference Service Agreement and next round of Tariff Engagement, and an invitation to meet one-on-one to discuss these topics.

Thank you so much to everyone who attended, and we look forward to reconvening in early March 2024 aligning with the publication of the Draft 2025 Plan.

Jemena Large Customer Forum Participants

Jemena Large Customer Forum Participants